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Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors reflects the overall compassion and empathy of the Olympia area, sharing in the common goal of recovery and healing. 


Each board member strives to ensure the mission of CRC is met and strengthened, through guidance and creating opportunities for growth


Darlene Hein ~ Chair

Darlene has over 30 years of experience in health and social services non-profit management including most recently as the director of The Olympia Free Clinic. She graduated with a master’s in public health from the University of Hawaii in Manoa. Darlene has developed,
implemented, and overseen programs focused on a variety of public health and social service issues such as primary and preventive health care, transitional and permanent housing, substance use disorder programs, and mental health treatment. She is currently retired and
wants to continue to help provide needed services to her community.

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Donna Lousie Elam  ~ Secretary

Enjoying the Nature

Cindy Mattingly ~ Treasurer


Jerry Barney ~ Member

Before retirement, Jerry was involved in teaching, management consulting, entrepreneurial, and local social service activities. In addition, he has been on the board of or volunteered with several social service nonprofit organizations in Thurston county. He has worked on the board of CRC for seven years and watched it grow and thrive.

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Kevin Johnson ~ Member

Paula Rauen ~ Member

Retired from Community Youth Services after a 27-year career as Deputy Director. After taking 3 years off to sail around the world, she then returned to take on the position of Executive Director of The Olympia Free Clinic. She serves now on the board of The Olympia Free Clinic, community Youth Servces, and CRC.

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Ron Rougeaux


Sara Holt-Knox


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